It had rained cats & dogs through the night. Next day morning I reached work and found out that my workplace, rented basement of someone’s home in India, was flooded with over three feet deep water. Most of the computers and monitors were swimming in it. The water was probably deeper in the night. We all walked into the black murky water, pulled out all the hardware, used a single borrowed blow dryer to dry out each computer and by the end of the next day, got back to work. Many that worked with me then will remember the story and with equal fondness. Those were simpler, early days of Techlead, which Prashanth had started. And which, later went on to become Reflexis Systems.
Every company starts small. And people that were there at the beginning carry such fond stories. The great thing about Reflexis is that those people are still around to tell such stories. And not one or two of them. Absolutely all of them … Prashanth, Raghu, Murty, Sundar, Arun, Ratnam and many more.
Since those early days, the company has seen several metaphorical rainy days, yet thrived and grown in size to many offices in India, Europe & North America. Companies don’t expand in ones and twos. They expand in steps … from 1 to 2 to 5 to 15 to 50 to 150. Now, with influx of globally tuned professionals like Brett Friedman the company is at the brink of greatest expansion of it’s sales force yet.
Reflexis did not just develop a task manager, it invented the whole space of execution management. Reflexis did not just create another scheduling software, it invented task based, extremely sophisticated scheduling system. And now, Store Pulse, their newest & smartest baby yet! As a retailer, all you have to do is close your eyes and imagine what your tomorrow will look like. If anything will get you ready, it is Store Pulse.
The new product line up at Reflexions 2014 reminded me of the cover page of college magazine from my engineering days. It had a little boy with a paper plane and a huge jet liner taking off into the night sky in the background. The title said, “Great things have humble beginnings”!

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